Beautiful pics of Tatu Baby and Astrid Berges Frisbey feet & legs

Katherine Kat Flores, also known as Tatu Babe, is a tattoo artist. The birth of her daughter took place in Colombia as well as the USA on the 28th of October in 1987. Discover more information about Tatu's Networth and her full biography. She is an American tattoo artist as well as a TV host. Ink Master, a reality television show that features tattoo artists in competitions was the first show she participated on. Ink Master 2 saw Tatu placed in fourth place. Tatu took part in the third season of Ink Master and came in third in the finale. Cartel Crew was a reality show about people who have connections with drug cartels. Tatu Baby is an American tattooist who tattoos professionally since she was 19. The award she received was the Best Of Day trophy at the convention for tattoo competitions. Tatu is a tattoo artist who has custom designs in black and gray that have been a hit with people. Tatu is enthralled by the way the human body is transformed into a blank canvas which allows the artist to express their imagination. Tatu Baby was disqualified from her participation in the Ink Master Season 2 tattoo contest after finishing fourth. Tatu started tattooing when she was an teen. She tattooed herself during the time, and then became an artist when she reached her 19th birthday. Tatu Baby, or. Katherine Kat Flores (born October 28th, 1987) was raised within Miami Florida but born in Colombia. Born in Colombia, she was to Colombians. The father of her mother was an infamous drug dealer from Queens New York. At the age of four, her father, who was a drug kingpin from Queens New York, was murdered by a rival gang. In the wake of the murder of her father Tatu's mother decided to quit drug dealing. Therefore, she as well as Tatu moved from the city of her birth to Miami Florida. Tatu started her schooling in Miami. College studies were disrupted by her decision to quit. In the year 2000, she began to become fascinated by tattoos when she was fourteen. She was an established tattoo artist aged 19 when she turned full-time. Tatu baby girl has a younger brother called Kenneth Roman.

Astrid berges - an actress who has Spanish roots. She began acting while she was in high school, where she was involved in play as a hobby. Acting was not something she considered as a career choice due to the remote setting. The features of Astrid played a significant part in her obtaining roles later. Irises with two shades are the gift to this girl (due to a condition referred to as sectoral heterochromia). Her soft and beautiful features as well as her accent from abroad made her a perfect fit to portray Sofi in I Origins 2014. Styled actor, Astrid, says "I'm beginning from zero every time. I never repeat myself." Sometimes, she is anxious about it, but content, as she believes that she improves with every film. Astrid is extremely particular regarding the details of her character. She makes sure she is well aware of how they act, talk and behave. Astrid is also able to benefit of being fluent in 5 languages: Catalan (Spanish), Italian, French and English.

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